
A Candid Conversation with Catholic Priest: Father Marc Vernoy – Part 1 of 2

Sendra D. sits down with Fr. Marc Vernoy to discuss journey, his faith, his opinions on the Catholic Church and the abuses accusations which plagues it and the solutions the current state of the world including and the current political climate.

He grew up in Normandy, France. After graduating from business school in Paris in 1988 and performing military service in Germany, he entered the seminary in Econe, Switzerland. He was ordained on June 29, 1995, and then was assigned to India, where he served first as Assistant Priest and later as Prior. His apostolate covered all of Asia, focusing especially on the Philippines. After his assignment in Asia, Father served as Prior and Principal in Languedoc-Roussillon in the south of France, then as the first SSPX District Superior for all of Africa. He is the founder SSPX priory in Florida and he started St. Thomas More Academy and is its Principal. Fr. Vernoy is now an American citizen.

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